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​How to help

If you like what we do, please consider joining us as a member. Your membership fee will go towards our running costs for each group and allow our work to continue.


If you do not wish to become a member, but would still like to help our work, we would welcome any donations that you are able to give. Regular donations would particularly help us plan our budget and projects. Please see our Donations page on how to do this.


Thank you very much !


Monthly Latin & Ballroom Dance Class(1).png

​Latest project news


NEW !! Monthly Latin & Ballroom Dancing Class

A new group held on the last Wednesday of every month at Holy Trinity Church Hall, Dumbarton Road, Stirling. Class led by accomplished dance teachers, Dance4Passion. Beginners very welcome. Join us from 12pm to 1pm followed by tea/coffee and cake. Only £5 per person. All welcome. See our 'What we Do' page for details


S4C Men's Group Our work on the land at the former William Simpson Asylum Graveyard, St Ninians Glebe to create a memorial garden with flowers in raised beds is complete & maintained regularly. We also work in partnership with William Simpson's Care Home on their vegetable plots. Get in touch if you'd like to join our Men's Group and enjoy this opportunity to work outdoors and meet new friends - All welcome


S4C Lunch Club is held EVERY THURSDAY from 12noon to 1.30pm at Holy Trinity Church Hall, Dumbarton Road, Stirling  - All older people are invited to come along and enjoy a light lunch and some entertainment or fun activity, and meet new and old friends.


Stirling Friendship & Well-being Choir is held EVERY THURSDAY EVENING (Term time only) from 7.30pm to 9pm at Holy Trinity Church Hall, Dumbarton Road, Stirling  - All abilities welcome to come along and enjoy singing together - No need to be able to sing well !! Come and be joyful in song...

Please note: Choir is open School Term Time only


Art Group is held EVERY FRIDAY from 10.30am to 12pm at Holy Trinity Church Hall, Dumbarton Road, Stirling  - A friendly guided art group who meet to paint/draw together. All materials provided. Beginners are very welcome. Please contact us to book a space.


Women's Wellbeing Group is held EVERY MONDAY EVENING from 6pm to 7pm at The Mayfield Centre, St Ninians, Stirling. A friendly ladies group who meet to talk about weight, healthy eating & promoting good mental health.


Knit & Stitch Group is held EVERY MONDAY MORNING from 10.30am to 12pm at The Mayfield Centre, St Ninians, Stirling. A friendly group who meet to knit, sew, crochet and chat over a cuppa.


© 2021 by Stirling4Community SCIO


Charity Number: SC051038


A SCIO registered in Scotland


Call us:

07826 556302

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